stills from "Retreat Into the Swamp"
Retreat Into the Swamp is an independent, experimental animation documenting a stump’s slow collapse into a swamp in the filmmaker’s local park and utilizing LiDAR scans of the stump taken over the course of a year combined with analog animation creating an assemblage of both documentation and perceived translated experience.

Fall 2024 College of Art and Design Faculty Show

Rochester Contemporary Art Center - First Friday/Open studios

Rochester Contemporary Art Center - First Friday/Open studios
Previews of a rough cut version of "Retreat Into the Swamp" at the annual faculty show at Rochester Institute of Technology and at open studies at the Rochester COntempoary Art Center - September/December 2024

the swamp in the Spring/Summer

the swamp in the Fall

the stump

My husband Matt and I on one of the trails
Photos from the swamp at Tinker Nature Park Henrietta, NY