stills from "Retreat  Into the Swamp"
Retreat Into the Swamp is an independent, experimental animation documenting a stump’s slow collapse into a swamp in the filmmaker’s local park and utilizing LiDAR scans of the stump taken over the course of a year combined with analog animation creating an assemblage of both documentation and perceived translated experience.
Fall 2024 College of Art and Design Faculty Show
Fall 2024 College of Art and Design Faculty Show
Rochester Contemporary Art Center - First Friday/Open studios
Rochester Contemporary Art Center - First Friday/Open studios
Rochester Contemporary Art Center - First Friday/Open studios
Rochester Contemporary Art Center - First Friday/Open studios
Previews of a rough cut version of "Retreat Into the Swamp" at the annual faculty show at Rochester Institute of Technology and at open studies at the Rochester COntempoary Art Center - September/December 2024
the swamp in the Spring/Summer
the swamp in the Spring/Summer
the swamp in the Fall
the swamp in the Fall
the stump
the stump
My husband Matt and I on one of the trails
My husband Matt and I on one of the trails
Photos from the swamp at Tinker Nature Park Henrietta, NY
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